How does this understanding work when the whole system is corrupt?

how does this understanding work?

Written by Clare Dimond

June 2, 2021

When it seems impossible to be free because the system is stacked against us?

In those moments, we experience a them and us. There are victims and villains. We feel trapped and stuck. It looks impossible that anything can change.

Hopeless and despairing are not our nature. That is not who we are. That’s why it feels so off. We can use these feelings as a sign to look deeper into what is going on.

They tell us that we are missing something. They tell us that we are not seeing clearly who we are and what the world is. Stuck and trapped and believing thoughts that tell us life is impossible, we are in no position to change the world.

Because the world only exists in the way it does in that moment because of thought believed.

Seeing this more clearly changes everything – everything we believe about ourselves, what we want, who we are, the world we live in.

And one of the things that turns upside down is how we understand integrity.

If we look at the word and its Latin root integritas, we see that originally it meant soundness, wholeness or completeness.

What is soundness, wholeness or completeness for a human being? It is the knowledge that we are everything, that we are everything we perceive and everything we perceive is who we are. The idea of self, other people, circumstances, events, nature emerges through us moment by moment.

Violence. Harassment. Secretism. Racism. Greed. Agism. Infidelity. Slander. Sexism. Nepotism. Jealousy. Lying. Killing. Stealing. Privilege. Fraud.

The boundaries, meanings and implications slip and slide over each other. How we class and define where any of this begins and ends, exists or not. How we judge. Where we draw lines. What we accept and reject. What we forgive and what causes life-long hostility. What is grounds for mass protest or what is accepted without challenge. What is rewarded by society, what is condemned. What is accepted in law, what is punishable by death. All of it is arbitrary, transient. Decided by the ebb and flow of thought and the arbitrariness of belief alone.

When we stand up for what we think and believe we are standing up for a stream of thoughts that varies according to whatever state of mind we are in, as an individual, group, nation or planet, at any one time.

It makes no sense to react against this transient reality, to believe we have moral superiority over it. But of course that is what most of us spend most of our time doing. Because we have this idea that we are a separate self and that separate self can only define itself by separation.

This is the origin of every argument, every act of terrorism whether taking place in the kitchen or across the planet.

As we look in the direction of what is real, of what is actually happening in our minds, we own this projection.

We can’t be responsible for it because we don’t control which thoughts come to mind but we can own it. We can only honour the truth that somehow this reality is created within awareness. We realise we are the custodian of this projection. There is no them, there is no right or wrong, there is only creation in thought and awareness of that creation.

Now what? What difference does that make?

It creates an enormous shift that transforms the rest of our lives. That’s what.

It means that instead of exhausting ourselves fighting illusory enemies, we get clear as to their nature. We come from love and we see that they are us. People who believe their thoughts. Just us believing our thoughts of separation, reflected back.

We start to realise that the bad stuff will only leave the world when we stop perpetuating it. There is nothing to stand against, there is only thoughts and beliefs to see more clearly. We get real with ourselves.

I want the end of harassment? Well then who in this dream world am I harassing?

I want the end of sexism, racism or agism? It begins with the dissolving of every thought about separation and superiority that I have ever believed.

I want the end of violence? How am I violent in thought, feeling or action?

I want to stand for love? Do I love every hater? Do I realise I am every hater? No? Then let’s start there.

Until I can show how it is done, how what I want is even possible, I can’t expect it from anyone else.

When I move beyond conditioned fears and insecurities, I see that there is no one else anyway.

It begins and ends with me. I am all of it. Integral. Whole. Complete. Entire.
(Excerpt from FREE, Getting real with life unlimited)

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